PoE-LiFi: Trulifi by Signify | MIELA (mobile Li-Fi)

Li-Fi: communicating through LED - visible or invisible - light is now a powerful wireless alternative.


Li-Fi or LiFi (Light Fidelity) technology uses LEDs in visible or infrared light, to transmit and receive data with bandwidth up to or above 150 Mbps.



Outside the cone of Li-Fi light – and a fortiori beyond the walls – data exchanges are no longer possible, unlike Wi-Fi. Thus, this high-performance technology guarantees the integrity of data on sensitive sites (law firms, large organizations meeting rooms, nuclear power plants, military buildings).



Wi-Fi sometimes shows its limits in the presence of multiple sources of radio emission or electromagnetic disturbances, such as in industrial environments, while Li-Fi is insensitive to them. In addition to its Roaming function comparable to that of Wi-Fi, Li-Fi provides M2M and IoT systems with increased availability and optimal service continuity, without untimely outages.



In nurseries, maternity wards, hospitals sensitive areas (MRIs) or in schools, radio broadcasts are feared or even banned. In this context, Li-Fi provides a relevant answer, thanks to wireless radio waves-free connections.

Signify's Li-Fi: The Choice of Excellence


With more than 64 million connected light points and €6.2 billion in revenue in 2019, the Dutch company Signify is number one in conventional, LED and connected lighting.

has chosen to integrate the brand new range of Li-Fi systems from Signify, a Philips subsidiary, formerly known as Philips Lighting.

Under the Trulifi brand, Signify brings together several devices that make it possible to develop a Li-Fi infrastructure ranging from the coverage of a meeting room to that of complete open space offices.


Connected to the computer network, a management device (Trulifi Access Point 6002.x) pilots one to six transmitters / receivers (Trulifi Transceiver 6002.x) that are placed in the false ceiling (with or without lighting panel), or mounted on a MIELA mobile Li-Fi device (Mobile Internet Extranet LiFi Access).


For each 6002.1 Access Point, up to sixteen workstations with a USB key (Trulifi USB Key 6002.1) can connect to the network via the 6002.1 Transceivers.



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MIELA: mobile Li-Fi 100% compliant with the Abeille law

Mrs Laurence Abeille gave her name to the law on waves sobriety, passed in 2015 when she was an ecologist deputy.

Law N° 2015-136 of February 9th, 2015 on sobriety, transparency, information and consultation on exposure to electromagnetic waves.

L’article 7 de la loi précise que :

  • ... the installation of wireless internet access fixed terminal equipment is prohibited in the areas dedicated to the reception, rest and activities of children under three years of age.
  • ... In primary school classrooms, wireless access to equipment... [must be]... disabled when not used for digital learning activities.
  • In primary schools, any new installation of a radio network shall be subject to prior notification to the school council.

To limit work on the lighting system, PoE-Tic has designed a device that advantageously combines GLP G.hn and Signify's Li-Fi technologies.


Called MIELA* (for Mobile Internet Extranet LiFi Access), this mobile Li-Fi device refers to the Abeille law by guaranteeing maximum waves sobriety.

Mounted on wheels, this fold-out floor lamp is easily moved from one classroom to another to ensure the interconnection of digital equipment used by students.

The principle is simple: the MIELA can be connected to the network by the RJ45 wall sockets if the establishment is wired or otherwise in PLC (PowerLine Communication) via an adapter embedded in the MIELA. Just plug it into an electrical outlet to have access to the network and high-speed Internet. The PLC receiver is connected in IP (RJ45) to a Li-Fi controller (Trulifi Access Point 6002.x) which manages the two Trulifi 6002.x Li-Fi Transceivers placed at the top of the mobile equipment.

This results in a wireless connection covering approximately 15 sq. meters and allowing the simultaneous connection of sixteen workstations.

On the user side, a USB key (Trulifi USB Key 6002.1) provides the bidirectional link with one or the other of the two transceivers.


(*) Miela(*) Miela: adjective meaning "with honey" in esperanto.